Working through ASTM International, a global standards development organization, Sigalarm has helped create a brand-new industry standard for the manufacturing of proximity alarms. Our staff acted as the chair of task group, with members from other proximity alarm manufacturers. The two groups were able to set ASTM new standards to define how proximity alarms should be manufactured. Sigalarm is proud of the work that’s been done and the time and attention ASTM gave to this issue.
Laying the Groundwork
While discussing proximity alarm standards, Sigalarm staff soon realized some education was necessary. Although proximity alarms have been manufactured since the 1960s, it was important to make sure all members of the group were aware of how and why proximity alarms should function properly. Proximity alarms function optimally when they effectively detect E-fields and provide sufficient warning when close to overhead power lines. Using this as a clear objective made it easier for the task force to discuss and draft the industry standards.
Partnering with a Leader
ASTM has more than 30,000 members in over 150 countries. In addition, ASTM uses 12,000 manufacturing standards across the world to ensure product quality, promote consumer confidence, and enhance safety. ASTM was the perfect partner for Sigalarm to work with in order to draft and pass these standards. Over a three year period, Sigalarm staff members provided research and insight into the function and use of proximity alarms. Other proximity alarm manufacturers also contributed. ASTM conducted a rigorous review of each draft, and the task force worked diligently to incorporate any feedback. After three years of hard work, a final draft of the standards was submitted to ASTM for voting. It passed by unanimous vote on April 11, 2018.
Ensuring Safety for All
These new ASTM standards will affect multiple industries in addition to construction. Proximity alarms keep workers and equipment safe from high voltage power lines across all work sites. Sigalarm is proud to be part of the process that will help ensure manufacturing standards for this important device for workers across the world.
For more information about proximity alarms and how you can keep your workers safe on the job, please contact Sigalarm today.